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해외 블로그를 뒤져보다 정리가 잘 된 글을 보아 소개코자 한다.
새로운 것은 아니나 원리에 충실한 좋은 글이다. 원문을 링크를 하면 잘 보지 않는 사람들이 있어서 그대로 스크랩을 해본다. Feedback이나 리플은 원문에다가 하기를 권한다. 마지막 Value 부분에서 지적한 부분을 항상 새겨보도록 하자.

1. Embrace User Control - Mobile devices are intensely personal. Any unsolicited intrusion into that personal space is offensive. Mobile marketing campaigns need to empower users by giving them access and control to things they want, when and where they want.

2. Get Personal - Wherever appropriate, brands should use the information a user gives them to personalize and enhance the experience to the user's benefit. Again, mobile devices are highly personal, and users expect their devices and the services accessed by them to be tuned to their needs.

3. Optimize for Mobile - Back in the early days of the web, we learned that slapping a brochure on a website didn't result in a great experience. Mobile is as different to the web as the web is different to brochures. In addition to designing for mobile technology and the mobile infrastructure, marketers need to design mobile campaigns for the mobile mindset. Consumers have different needs and behavior patterns when they're using their mobile devices. Marketers need to accommodate these differences.

4. Provide Value - Most importantly, mobile marketing campaigns need to offer users real value, both to offset the costs paid by users to access mobile services and as fair exchange for users granting access to this highly personal medium.

On this last point, I think there are several ways to provide value, depending on the brand and the audience. Here's my list.

  • Monetary - At a minimum, the value of what you're offering should exceed the cost of accessing it through my mobile device.
  • Timeliness - Give me information I need to know as soon as possible.
  • Location - When I'm out and about and I need something, help me find it.
  • Convenience - There are some things I want to have with me whenever and wherever I am. It's easier to have or get it on my phone than carry other things.
  • Efficiency - I'm on the go and want to make the best use of my time.
  • Amusement - I'm bored and killing time. Amuse me.
  • Connection - Help me stay in touch with my social network.

제목은 모바일 마케팅이지만 모바일 개발이나 기획 모두에게 중요한 점이다.
잊지말자! 국내에서는 이 원리보다 모두 앞서는 "이통사 직원들하고 친해지기" 라는 0원리가 존재함을...
2007/05/14 18:10 2007/05/14 18:10